We have a strong leadership team in place at St. George’s Church. All members of our Clergy team can be contacted through the church office.
Parish Priest
The Rev Canon Dr Stephen Hendry is our Parish Priest. Fr Stephen has served in several parishes in the diocese of Huron. Before coming to St George’s he was the Rector of Epiphany Church, Woodstock where he was also the regional dean of Oxford. Stephen continues to serve on the Diocesan coaching team and is a facilitator with the EfM (Education for Ministry) program.
Stephen has a Doctor of Ministry degree from Ohio. His thesis topic is The Transformational Church of the Future. He has been a guest lecturer at Canterbury College and St Clair College.
Stephen is married to Joyce and they have 4 grown children.
Outside of the church, Stephen has served as the National Service Council Chairman for the Canadian Diabetes Association. He has also served as zone chairman for Lions International.
In his spare time, he enjoys golf, fishing, and a great book.
Parish Deacon
The Reverend MaryLynn Forrest is St George’s Parish Deacon.